

Peek Behind the Curtain: The Extraordinary Work Ethic Driving Our Students' Success

作者:Lake Catholic

州冠军. 州四强. 这是三年来最深入的季后赛. 重复状态限定符.

年度筹款活动. 每周一次的中场表演. 一场音乐会. 一出戏.

These are the final results that the outside world sees from a successful athletic season and an award-winning performing arts department. 尽管这些结果是建立在这些基础上的, 大家都知道, 很多人会花几个小时来计划吗, 练习, 排练, 并做任何有助于确保成功的事情.

Behind all those people though are two men, the two in charge – Athletic Director 埃里克·施罗德 表演艺术系主席 斯科特·波西.

Schroeder and 波西 have had a busy three-and-a-half months, which had really ramped up in the past few weeks and culminates (at least for now) today – Thursday, 11月16日. The back-to-back state champion volleyball team will be celebrated at an assembly this afternoon. 几个小时后,秋天的戏—— 断头谷的传说 – opens to kick off its four–performance, weekend run.

为了达到这一点, 这对施罗德两人来说都是件苦差事, 波西, 以及他们的同事团队.

虽然很多排练都是在很久以前进行的, 波西’s first big event was the Choral Concert held in the school’s auditorium on Tuesday, 10月10日. 与此同时, 这出戏的试镜和排练, as well as much of the planning for the 39th Annual Craft Fair (the 表演艺术 Department's biggest fundraiser), 都在进行中.

The success of the Lake Catholic football team also meant the continuation of the marching band season. 波西 designs all the marching and physical movements of the band, while 吉姆Slike (07)准备所有的音乐.

“We’ve had play rehearsals Sundays through Thursdays, with LC歌手 and band practice alternating days during the week,波西说. “然后我们在周五去看足球比赛. 所以这一周很忙.”

艺博会, 星期六举行, 11月4日, 欢迎150家供应商和近2家,000顾客, as the department raised a substantial amount of money for its 项目.
That weekend alone was enough for someone to want to take a two-week vacation.

Typically, the Friday before the Craft Fair school is not in session. Because of a scheduling conflict, classes did take place. 直到放学后才能开始设置(240p).

“放学后,我们尽可能多地布置, 但后来不得不停下来去看足球比赛,波西说. “We were back here at 6a on 周六 to finish setting up and helping vendors unload. 我们最终在5-530p左右完成了拆除, and we were back here the next day for play rehearsal. I would bet, when band was going on, I would be in the building for about 75 hours per week. We’ve been going hard for about 30 straight days now.”

不甘落后, 就在毕业礼堂不远的地方, the Athletic Department had been on quite a busy streak of its own. Since the start of the postseason for the fall sports, it has hosted two sectional final volleyball matches (one of its own and one with two other schools), 男子足球分组赛决赛, 门特的主场足球比赛, 门托的一场地区男子足球半决赛, and a first-round playoff football game at Eastlake North.

“It’s great that our teams did so well this season, but it is a lot of juggling once you get to the postseason,施罗德说. “在常规赛期间,你知道赛程. You know where everyone is going to be and what time the games or matches start.”

All playoff competitions are run by the Ohio High School Athletic Association, 所以,虽然日期通常是提前设定的, many locations are not set until a few days before the next game or match.

“Once we get to neutral sites a lot of it is just coordinating transportation, 政府报道, and then hopefully medal distribution (for district, 地区和州锦标赛),他说. 


周六, 10月28日, started with the boys soccer district final in Strongsville at 11a and finished with the volleyball district final at Grand Valley High School at 7p. The next week, there was a regional semifinal for soccer in Akron and for volleyball in Barberton.

同一个星期六, 11月4日为工艺博览会, the soccer team played in a regional final at 2p in Twinsburg, while volleyball was in Barberton again playing for its regional title, 同样在2p轨道. 

“The state would not change the time of one of them,施罗德说. “It’s disappointing for our students and community that they couldn’t be at both, but the state said the schedules were already set and unable to be changed.”

也是那天早上,大四学生 凯利病房 was running in her second straight state cross-country meet. 

Then started Schroeder’s trip across Ohio, accompanied by Assistant Athletic Director 山姆Colacarro 周三,, November 8 in Twinsburg for the boys soccer state semifinal; Thursday, November 9 in Dayton for the volleyball state semifinal; Friday, November 10 in Burton for the football regional semifinal; and finally back to Dayton on 周六, November 11 for volleyball’s state championship match.

“We figured we were in the car 17 hours through those four days,施罗德说. 

我们花了很多时间, 幕后故事, working to make these two departments some of the most successful in the area. After this weekend there is a small window for a break and to relax for Thanksgiving. But then it’s back at it as the winter sports season ramps up and heads toward another postseason, 表演艺术将上演圣诞音乐会, and holds auditions for the spring musical ahead of it hitting the stage March 7-10. 

"When you're leaning forward, it doesn't allow you to stop, or you'll fall on your face,波西说. “它迫使你完成工作, and makes you realize just how much you were capable of doing to start with."


Discover yourself, your faith, your future, your purpose. 成为雷克天主教家庭的一员.